Our Mission
United Skates was founded on the tenets of open-mindedness and acceptance. We are building a strong community among skaters in Singapore that is free of social
expectations. A welcoming environment where Skaters of every type can be true to themselves without judgement and can push their own limits and boundaries.

Our Vision
United Skates aims to build up the landscape of skateboarding in Singapore and be a pioneering force in Singapore Skating.
As Singapore's premier indoor skatepark, we will create an environment that not only serves the larger community, but also works towards nurturing future National and International champions.

How It Started
Skateboarding has often been associated with ‘rebelliousness’ - an activity that’s been commonly connected with surfers, rebels and difficult teenagers who just want to “do their own thing” without a care for society. The reality, however, is far from that.
Skating has always been about acceptance and belonging, of like-minded individuals and the open invitation of newcomers. This is what Nic Ferguson, the founder of United Skates, discovered as a young teen.
Faced with a society in the 1980s that was unaccepting of him due to his different heritage, Nic started skating at the age of 13 and discovered a community that didn’t care what his background was, didn’t care that he looked different or that he wasn’t the same as everyone else. Over time, the skate community gave him confidence, acceptance, joy and more importantly, it gave him a place to fit in.
Now, decades later, Nic’s creation of United Skates is aimed at giving the youths of today and the children of before, the same acceptance, confidence and welcome that the skate community gave him all those years ago. Essentially, inviting all to co-create a community that will allow them to find themselves. A place where they know they can fit in, no matter who they are.